
I enjoy the qualities of water and how large open expanses can be both intimidating and exciting. The qualities of water are something that I found intriguing in that it is both physically powerful and forceful, yet graceful and dynamic, sculpting intricate forms, almost with a mind of its own. Water generates mixed emotions in people. In some it may either be the fear of the unknown alien depths, whereas in others they may be captivated by its tranquil and serene qualities. I also wanted to explore the fantasy like underwater world in which different senses are heightened yet muffled, where time slows and we feel weightless, blissfully unaware of the world we have just left on land.
I was initially inspired by the artist Zena Holloway and her work ‘Swan Song’, her pieces set out to portray ‘ethereal and magical imagery evocative of mythical fairytales suspended in time.’ She focuses her work on a myth that swans are mute during their lives they sing beautifully and mournfully just before they die.

I enjoy the concept of the underwater world being an unattainable, fantasy like world which I explore in my own work. Her figures appear serenely floating in an alien world of weightless calm, a carefree place. Holloway narrates, ‘she is in a place where sight and hearing are lost; where the senses slow and the body does not breathe… she is without fear and filled with peace.’ This is something I feel when I am immersed in water and depict these emotions of sanctuary in my pieces.

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