Dress – Photo Series

In this series I purposely chose obscure settings that could produce emotions of pleasure or fear in a similar way to which we experience water. The potentially threatening environment, contrasts with the light hearted nature portrayed by the dress.

Even though the settings potentially promote fear and prompt anxiety, through documenting them in daylight I wish highlight the fact they do not necessarily need to be viewed as sinister.

For instance to some people a graveyard is a place which is unwelcoming and threatening, which can intimidate them. Conversely, to some it can also be a place of total peace, in which loved ones are laid to rest and remembered. Much of the negative response generated today regarding graveyards, emanates from a perception that it is a threatening fantasy world, where the fear of the unknown dominates. Parallel with the underwater world. In reality a graveyard is a place in which the dead are remembered loved and celebrated. In Victorian times graveyards were commonly used as place for picnics where families would meet to celebrate life, a scene someone in the modern day world would perceive as surreal.

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